
Huntsville, Alabama Seva for
Lower-Income Individuals
December 26, 2020
Served: Prepared nine bags of groceries for families in need.
Quantity: Nine cans of Peas, Corn, Green and Kidney beans, nine bags of Rice and nine jars of
Peanut Butter.
Location: County Chapter of NAACP Drive-Thru & Drop-Off Food Drive
Number of people served: Nine or more
Time Serving: 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
“Times are tough. The world is going through various difficulties.
The poor are becoming poorer… It is time to practice Jesus’ teachings,
Even at that level, when we have to open our hearts,
Open our homes, and open our hands,
To serve those who have suffered through these tough times.
I’m sure that is the first step in practicing His teachings.
Share what we have with those who do not have, and
Care for those who need our help and support at this point in time.
Don’t be afraid of what will happen to you if you share,
If you give away, if you do charity, and if you help others.”
Divine Discourse, December 25, 2020
Sadguru Madhusudhan Sai, who always gives and forgives, stressed the importance of charity and spoke these heavenly words on Christmas Day. Throughout the scriptures of Sanatana Dharma, whether it be the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Holy Bible or the Quran, great emphasis is placed on acts of charity performed for the service of others. Throughout its history, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) championed the causes of racial, economic, gender and environmental justice. Civil rights leader Dr. W.E.B. DuBois was one of its founders and Rosa Parks served as a Montgomery County Chapter Secretary. To help families in need in the US state of Alabama, this organisation announced a food drive. Local Sai devotees gladly took the initiative to participate in this relief effort.

The pandemic started to surge again throughout communities in this country. Many Americans lost their jobs, struggled to make ends meet and barely coped with the mental anguish of lack of food. Economies and local businesses continued to struggle to maintain their income and the Government gridlock resulted in continued delays in the allocation of resources. In the midst of so many hardships and pressures, Bhagawan and his Young Adult instruments encouraged all of the Sai Youth worldwide to serve others fearlessly and to be the spearhead of charitable efforts. A simple model was replicated on this day in which meal packets were created that consisted of four vegetables and a starch. All items included were protein-rich and suitable for individuals with diabetes. Sai families were able to contribute to this endeavour in groups or individually.

These efforts were not done in vain. They promoted unity among communities of different races and socioeconomic status. Local volunteers were filled with hope from the outpouring of selfless support. Once again, Sai youth were filled with His ananda which they had missed over the past few months when ‘safer-at-home’ orders were the norm and Seva projects were temporarily on hold. Humanity was reminded by Bhagawan that its strength increases when all come together as one, for the greater good. Lord Jesus dedicated His life to the downtrodden and less-fortunate and was willing to pay the ultimate price. Bhagawan also joyfully took on the burdens of others and cared for each of His creation without hesitation. As the year of the Lord, 2020 became the one in which the youth began to direct their efforts toward becoming Him, He reminded them that such small acts done in His name are a great springboard from where they can begin to undertake the transition towards Self-transformation and Self-realisation.