Huntsville, Alabama Homeless Seva
February 16, 2018
The Huntsville - Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM), a Homeless Shelter served dinner to one-hundred people between 5:30 PM and 6:30 PM. The dinner consisted of Vegetable Stir-Fry, Potatoes, Chips, and Salad.

A Sai youth in Alabama was fortunate on this day to be serving once again with a dedicated American couple who reminded one and all that it was their good fortune to be blessed with another opportunity to serve their homeless brothers and to be a part of their good company. After hearing the timely advice of Sister Jennie Cornsweet a few weeks prior, who advised that although the process of letting go of the results when doing Bhagawan’s work can be challenging; knowing the fact that the outcome is His and His alone, can be a wonderful thing! All can serve Him wholeheartedly and need not focus on anything else but Him.
And yet, the ever-patient and merciful Lord will reiterate this point to His devotee in several ways, all in one day, in hopes that the planted seeds will sprout! It happened first via a discourse by Swami Swatmananda of the Chinmaya Mission, who spoke in Muddenahalli recently, on the Gita verse 9:22 “With single-pointed meditation, those who are constantly engaged in my worship, I carry the burden of acquisition and preservation.” And it happened again through a preacher who spoke before dinner was served at the Downtown Rescue Mission, quoting Luke 10:40-42 “Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, ‘Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore, tell her to help me.’ And Jesus answered and said to her, ‘Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part’.”
The Downtown Rescue Mission provides daily meals for its homeless residents beyond the Christmas season, and recently opened a separate facility exclusively for women and their children. Dinner was served with a mixture of concentrated precision, loving-kindness and team unity. Brother Bobby Patel also informed the Sai youth recently that Seva from now onwards cannot be a part-time pursuit, just as part-time devotion is known by all to be ineffective, especially because of what Bhagawan wants mankind to be instrumental in accomplishing, in the near-future.
Bhagawan is bringing His children in this portion of the United States together for monthly online Satsangs and joint efforts geared towards establishing branches of His Sai Ashraya in both Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham, Alabama. Plans are in place for conducting Seva in Birmingham on the streets, where the homeless can be given clothing in addition to meals. The pace of activity among our brothers in Atlanta is increasing to weekly Satsangs and several training sessions to work with homeless youth at multiple facilities. The Lord is passionate about this project, and His children are being swept up along this wave of Love that is engulfing the nation and the planet!