Huntsville, Alabama Homeless Seva
Location: Huntsville - Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM), a Homeless Shelter
Number of people served: Sixty men
Time of serving: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
Served: Assorted bagels and Oatmeal
Quantity: One tray of bagels and one tray of oatmeal
Bhagawan grants the opportunity to experience the immortal words of Jesus Christ - “I and My Father are One”- each time the youth participate in Seva. In truth, it is performed by Him and for Him. Work is transformed into worship and the serving of a simple breakfast consisting of bagels and oatmeal becomes an exchange of Divine Love, with His Grace. When the young adults of Alabama serve the homeless each month, their sense of individuality is dissolved and any sense of inadequacy vanishes. When Christ declared, “I have overcome the world,” He wanted mankind to know that the ever-pure Atma cannot be contaminated by any worldly defilements or mental conjuring.
No task is too large for Bhagawan; the youth are His hands and feet - His instruments and messengers of His Love to the starving masses who desperately need Him.

Following the example of Lord Jesus, every Satsang, whether it is being held in a temple, mosque, Gurudwara or church, is a mixture of fellowship and instruction. The words of the Lord, “Man shall not live by bread alone,” remind humanity that the Atman manifests itself in places where there is true, abiding Love. The Downtown Rescue Mission’s symbol is a heart and a cross, two powerful images to reflect upon, especially during the Holy Week of Easter. Its motto is “A Heart for the Homeless,” and is reflected in the selfless activities of its staff! Hearts and mind are completely focused on the One known as Bhagawan Baba to devotees of Lord Sai, and Lord Jesus to devotees of the Christ.

Whether they are Buddhists, Christians, Hindus or Jains; all of whom celebrated holidays over the past seven days are obedient to the words of Lord Jesus in regards to their Ishta Devata: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.”
Devotees of Bhagawan are welcome everywhere, knowing that all names and forms are His, just as those of all faiths are welcome by the youth. The United States of America was founded upon the Latin motto “E Pluribus Unum,” which means “Out of the many, One.” Similarly, nations throughout the planet also emphasise “Unity in Diversity.” Status and wealth are irrelevant when people live by the words that Christ heard from His Father in Heaven: “All are One, my dear Son - be alike to Everyone!”