Huntsville, Alabama Seva
July 18, 2019
Served: Distributed bags of cheese to disabled and disadvantaged persons
Quantity: Twenty-five medium-sized boxes, each containing ten small cheese bags
Location: Manna House, an Organisation of the Huntsville Dream Centre
Number of people served: One-hundred and twenty-five
Time Serving: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
The events of this week, during the Guru Purnima celebrations conducted in the Presence of Bhagawan at Premamrutham in Muddenahalli, seemed to have reverberated and penetrated throughout the planet! The venue of the Manna House in Huntsville, Alabama, USA, where Sai youth were engaged in service to the forms of their Beloved Lord Sai, was transformed into a magical location in the matter of an instant!
Amazingly, each activity reflected the journey that Sri Madhusudan traversed and that each one is taking. It all started with shraddha and saburi as prescribed by Bhagawan in His previous incarnation. Once the youth took the first steps towards Him, He embraced them and brought them close, protecting them like armor. Sometimes, the youth faced hostility from others, even over matters of faith; yet on this day, Sai youth felt empowered as they wielded a “sword” of right conduct - a make-shift box-cutter with the image of Bhagawan on it!
What is that precious pearl within all that Bhagawan has been guarding so diligently? It is a spark of His Divinity, present deep inside each and every one! It is the future and a birthright. Having planted the seeds of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and love in the youth’s minds, and having watered them by engaging them in continued acts of selfless service, their hearts have begun to bloom and blossom; transforming dirt into a bountiful tree whose fruits are being offered back to Him. As Oscar Wilde said, “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.”
The youth owe a great deal of gratitude to Sri Madhusudanji, for having proven to them that the opportunity that Bhagawan spoke of so often, namely, their good fortune to be close to an Avatar, was recognized and acted upon by at least one of them, amongst the millions of devotees! Places such as Manna House are filled with people willing to share their time and resources with others. At this juncture, it is incumbent upon those youth who have been placed in such generous institutions to take the next step of completely emptying themselves and witnessing His emergence in all of His glory!!