Huntsville, Alabama Homeless Seva
September 13, 2019
Served: Biscuits, Oatmeal, Apples, and Strawberries
Quantity: One tray each of biscuits, oatmeal, apples, and strawberries
Location: Huntsville - Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM), a Homeless Shelter
Number of people served: Sixty men
Time Serving: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM
The walls of the dining hall in the Downtown Rescue Mission (DRM) have been decorated with a set of eight murals depicting the life of Lord Jesus. Seven have been completed; the last one depicts the Crucifixion, and is in the process of being painted. This act of sacrifice concluded when Christ declared, “It is finished.” The end of one phase marks the beginning of another. New things emerge when the old are transformed. Each phase of Bhagawan’s projects, as well as human ones, has its own ebb and flow. Time marches forward across all events. Ultimately, the devotees are fortunate to witness the happiness they experience within as they walk with Bhagawan, and feel the growing unity with all people and all things. Young adults in Huntsville, Alabama, USA returned to the DRM after spending several months at other venues.
Change is inevitable as time passes. Healthier options, particularly, higher-quality vegetarian ones are being offered as consciousness grows about proper diet. Their work is far from over and is just beginning. They are blessed to have Bhagawan’s guidance. Mankind is becoming more compassionate because of His steady, patient influence. These times are akin to the great turning points in the history of the human race! Only He knows the direction towards which the youth are progressing. These monthly opportunities are ones when they can reflect on Bhagawan’s grace upon them all and the multiple ways by which He is answering prayers. Slowly but surely, each of them is becoming a refined, precise instrument that is available for use at any time, in any place, and for many lifetimes. The future is in Bhagawan’s divine hands and the youth’s for lifting one another up into complete union with Him!