
Argentine Youth Activities
During November 2020, the youth of five different parts of Argentina distributed food to 1,993 people. Due to the pandemic state, Argentina is going through severe restrictions and some groups had to stop the Seva activities temporarily. However, the groups that are able to continue providing food to the needy give a great relief. The relief packages were distributed in five cities: Bariloche, Buenos Aires, Córdoba, La Plata and Iguazú.
A group of devotees from a family organised a big purchase of fruits and vegetables for two dining rooms in which families in need receive meals. They also collected apples and bought vegetables in local markets which were economically affected due to the lockdown. In this way, they helped local workers and the families who visited the dining rooms. They have been doing this service since March 2020.
The youth from Buenos Aires gathered again to cook and distribute hot meals to the homeless of the city of Buenos Aires fulfilling all the necessary health measures to protect themselves and the people they served. They also continued with their individual service to hand in meals to the people around their neighbourhoods.
The youth of La Plata distributed packages of food which contained: rice, noodles, tomato sauce, green peas, sugar, lentils, tea, milk, cookies, fruits and clean items. Every Friday, they distributed the packages to the families of four dining rooms and two poor neighbourhoods. They served around 1,400 people.
The youth of Cordoba distributed hot meals for the homeless around their homes. They serve on the weekends and they distributed 200 meals during July 2020.
Every Saturday, the youth of Iguazú prepared hot meals and distributed them to the people of a poor neighbourhood. They served around 250 people.