Argentine Youth Seva Activities in 2020
This year was exceptional for everybody due to the restrictions of the pandemic situation. However, the youth of Argentina continued their activities of serving food to the needy in their own areas. During the whole year, they served 17,529 people in six different cities: Buenos Aires, Escobar, La Plata, Córdoba, Iguazu and Salta. Argentina is a big country and there are several youth groups around different cities. Even though their locations are far apart, they all work with the same purpose which is spreading love in the form of food for the most needy.
The youth of Buenos Aires started a group Seva during the first months of the year and served around 844. When the lockdown started, they were not able to gather in groups anymore. However, they continued serving people individually around their homes. The youth of Escobar served food and relief kits to families of a poor neighbourhood near the Centre of Human Development “Peace and Love” every week. The kits included items for cleaning and packages of food. They served around 1,351 people. The youth of La Plata served food, desserts and donated relief packages to families in different neighbourhoods and dining rooms. They served around 11,926 people. A young family together with their friends in Iguazu gathered every weekend to serve food to people of a poor neighbourhood. They served around 1,900 people. The youth group in Cordoba gathered every week to cook for people in vulnerable conditions in a poor neighbourhood. They served around 1,000 people. In Salta, the youth gathered once a week to prepare food for the families in a dining room. They served around 508 people. When the lockdown started, they had to stop serving in groups, but they continued serving to the needy individually.