Divine Mother and Child
Health Screenings in Australia
In July, the Divine Mother and Child health screenings were held in Melbourne, Victoria in two locations. The first session was held on Wednesday, July 18, 2018 at Wydham Vale where dentists and general practitioners (GPs) saw mothers and children. There was an interactive, fun presentation on healthy eating habits for children and adults. The GPs handed out free supplements and advised on how to use them. Beanies and gloves for children were also handed out, as it is extremely cold at the moment in Melbourne.

Another session of Divine Mother and Child was held for the first time on the east side of Melbourne, on Saturday, July 21, 2018. During this session, medical and dental screenings were offered to refugees in the Dandenong area. Many volunteers helped make the day extra special for those who attended, by providing a nourishing lunch, snacks, healthy fruits and some dessert. Interactive play, toys and music was provided for the young children to engage in. Gift bags as well as oral health packs were given to all who attended. The volunteers learnt that one of the most valuable things they can do for another is to just listen and be present.