Australia Seva Update for March 2019
New South Wales (Murwillumbah):
Mums and Bubs Morning Tea:
Heart of Love Foundation, Australia held a Mums and Bubs morning tea at the Heart of Love Centre (Ashram). Families were invited to the land for a wonderful morning tea. The children had a line-up of fun activities, sports and games whilst their mothers enjoyed some time-out with some relaxing massages and just bonding with other mothers and volunteers. The founder of a new, local, mothers’ support group was presented and she shared some experiences with all. The main purpose of this ongoing morning tea is to provide the local indigenous mothers a place they can come to, with their children and where they feel welcome and supported.
School Breakfast Programme:
The daily breakfast programme is continuing at the local Murwillumbah High School. The youth are serving approximately 40 students every day with a nice wholesome breakfast. The teachers and students of the school are still coming forth to engage themselves in this Seva. A total of 800 students were served in the month of March!
Weekly Fruit and Vegetable Hampers:
The hamper programme is continuing every week. 16 families on average receive a free food hamper per week. The volunteers drive up to the Gold Coast once a week to collect the food items. Everyone gathers at the Heart of Love Centre Ashram once the food has been brought back, and the packing begins. Students from the local Murwillumbah High School also come to engage themselves in this service. In the month of March, 64 hampers were distributed to local needy families!