Food Distribution Service In Rio De Janeiro
From January 17, 2020 to February 13, 2020
In January 2020, a total of 250 meals were delivered to people on the streets, as well as those who are socially vulnerable. In the current month of February 2020, a total of 200 meals have been distributed by the Narayana Seva group of Rio de Janeiro.
The Narayana Seva preparation activities take place at devotees’ homes in Rio de Janeiro. They are from very diverse religions. Distribution is carried out every two weeks in the streets of the city centre where the homeless population is concentrated.
As usual, before the youth go out to the streets for distribution in central Rio de Janeiro, they account for the meals after preparing the packaged containers to be delivered. They also pray for the blessings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba for the food and for all who receive the Prasadam.
In addition to meals, the food distribution team also gives out water, sweets and toys.