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Canadian Newsletter July 2020 Edition

The youth convey their prayerful Pranams to their loving Lord.  They pray to Bhagawan to grant them strength to continue His mission.

This Issue contains Seva updates and visuals from the Provinces of British Columbia and Ontario, Canada.

A small segment entitled Transformation – Canada Youth has been added. Every other month, a Canadian Youth will share how service has helped them transform.

Seva Activities in Toronto


Feed the World Initiative

  • Daily activity in Greater Toronto Area.

  • Dinner is served Monday to Friday consisting of a sandwich, cookies and water.

  • Weekends meals consist of lunch and dinner packs.


Sikh Seva Society

  • Toronto youths are sponsoring Sikh Seva Organization to provide free meals that are fresh and vegetarian to those in need everyday from 11am to 7pm in the Peel region.


CONC (Christi Ossington Neighbourhood Centre)

  • The youth and the elders continue to buy a month’s worth of groceries.

  • The supplies consist of rice, lentils, pasta, pasta sauce, coffee powder, frozen vegetables and sugar among other items.

COD - E1E1

  • The Toronto youth have started participating in ceiling on desires (COD) by sending the saved amount to educate girls in Swami’s institutions.

  • Due to extreme heat warnings in Toronto, the youths could not go and personally hand out food packets but will resume as soon as possible.

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