Visit to the National Museum in Rome
The monthly Seva activity with the disabled people was a planned visit to the “Terme di Diocleziano” in Rome (National Roman Museum). This experience was rich with surprises for all the participants who discovered a place full of history, enclosed by a complex architecture. In Roman times the building held baths. Then, as time passed, the structure was modified but it still shows traces of each of those moments. The collection that is composed of pieces of art and manufactured goods belonging to different epochs tells the local story; from the original Latin inhabitants (Bronze Age), passing through the Roman Age till Michelangelo's Renaissance. This experience created a deep connection with the city of Rome.
Both the volunteers and the participants spent a pleasant Sunday. The personal enrichment was derived not only from the cultural aspects, but mainly from human sharing. One of the main aim of this Seva was improving the ability to face up to new situations, to socialize and to welcome everyone without mental barriers. Somehow, it is possible to say there was a progress in this direction after about two years of shared service. Every month the meeting is a moment of joy and there is always the curiosity to live a new adventure together!
Some activities for the next trips have already been scheduled (Butterflies Museum, the Presidential Residence) according to common interests that will make this journey go on a little bit further.