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After the intensive workshops on Human Values Education by Dr. Ron and Suwanti Farmer in the previous month, Human Excellence Academy of Japan initiated the project entitled ‘Love and Gratitude’ with advice from Dr. Ron and Suwanti Farmer and with the help of the Youth.


This project is to create a social networking platform where everyone who participated in the Human Values sessions can continue their learning process by expressing their gratitude for everything and anything that they can think of – in this way, positive thinking becomes part of their life. By doing this, we can all become exemplary role models for people in our society, inspiring them to lead a life embracing the Human Values.


Scientific research has amply demonstrated that, for anyone wanting to live in love and peace, it is essential that they reprogram their mind with positive thinking.

In order for us to become a better person and live in joy and happiness, we need first to rediscover and believe in our own goodness and find some beauty and harmony in the world we live in. Otherwise, negativity such as sadness, anger, hatred, desire and lust may take control of us and prevent us from being uplifted. This project was made to create opportunities to collectively make an effort to remain positive by sharing our good uplifting thoughts, things we are grateful for, and our love-in-action stories via a social networking system. Any form of gratitude can be posted by words, photos, art works, experiences, songs, and so on.  


The Youth created a Facebook group and started expressing their gratitude and love for anything that they feel grateful for in their own lives. By Youth taking the lead to express their positive thinking in the form of love and gratitude on this Facebook site, they are inspiring so many others. Those who participated in the 3-day intensive course in self-transformation will be encouraged by the ‘Love and Gratitude project’ to continue their journey into Peaceful Mind and Open Heart using the tool of positive thinking. Similarly, those who are relatively new to the idea of positive thinking, and are coming across the site for the first time, will in all likelihood begin their own program for reprogramming their mind and sharing this with others via the Facebook site.


This Facebook site is completely open to the public and uses a range of vocabularies for describing what is essentially a universal language of love and gratitude, and so we expect it to spread to every part of all societies throughout the world. We are humbly confident that it will inspire many people to commit themselves to harboring only those thoughts that are in accord with all of the noble human virtues, particularly love and gratitude. We invite all of you to join and express your gratitude and share your love by visiting the site, so that we can grow together in the power of this collective effort. (The site is still being developed and will have an English introduction soon. Please write your comments in English or your own language.)


Besides this event, as a part of regular activities, the Youth spread throughout Japan are meeting once every week via SKYPE to talk about various things, including nine spiritual practices. This month, two female Youth shared their experience of their service activities to feed homeless people in one large park in Tokyo.

They prepared Japanese traditional rice balls and Miso soup to share their love with the homeless people who are living in a park without shelter during severe cold weather.


Jai Sai Ram!

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