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If there’s one thing that Swami has stressed time and time again, it’s the importance of education – not any kind of education, but the right kind of education. Swami says, “Education must open the eyes and enable them to recognize the One behind the many.“ Unfortunately, the reality for many children living on the edge of poverty in Malaysia, college or tertiary education is an unattainable luxury – a benefit reserved only for those who can afford it. This is why one of the key aims for the past 15 years at Sai Ananda Malaysia was to help underprivileged children further their studies through sponsorship.


Numerous children and youth have benefited from Swamis’ grace this way – through a chance to further their studies and continue serving Him in whatever role or capacity that He has chosen for them. This is an on-going program, whereby sponsorship range from primary school education fees to bachelor degree program fees.


These students are the financially underprivileged Bal Vikas and EHV students of Sai Ananda, Malaysia. Every year, the youth conduct surveys to find out more about the families in need in the vicinity of Batu Caves, Selangor (Malaysia). For many, the situation is bleak. For the past 10 years, It has been a promise to the families of these Bal Vikas students, that for every child that is willing and prepared to do the work, each family will have at least one child who will become Bachelor’s degree holder.



Through Swami’s blessings and guidance to the youths, no less than 60 students have received a degree in various fields of study through Sai Ananda’s Education Sponsorship Program. As part of this on-going program, the students that have achieved their degree are required to guide their siblings and other Bal Vikas children to reach their higher education goals and aspirations. Further, these students are encouraged and taught to serve the society as part of this program. Although this is not a requirement of the program, many of the youth have continued to serve at Sai Ananda, making use of their talents and skills to educate the younger ones, and to help with the day-to-day administration of the centre.


 The students of today are the teachers of tomorrow.

~ Baba

Malaysian Youth Service 

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