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One World One Sai

Malaysia Seva Summary

As quoted by Swami, to serve God in men, the youth of Sai Ananda have taken up various Seva activities from the beginning of this year of 2019 till date.

The youth of Sai Ananda visited nearly 50 abandoned grandmothers at Sincere Care Home, Kajang. Twice a month, meals will be prepared by the youth and served to the elders. Movies and games will also be organised for the elders who always look forward to an open heart-to-heart interactive session with the youth!

Narayana Seva is something that Swami emphasises the most. Feeding the needy is equivalent to feeding God. The youth of Sai Ananda are now serving nutritious and well-balanced breakfast to 50 needy children at a Government School every day. A special multi-nutrient drink is also prepared and served to the children. The total number of breakfasts served till date, March 31, 2019 is 1335.


Value-based tuition classes are also conducted from Monday to Thursday for more than 100 children who come from underprivileged backgrounds. Undoubtedly, mouthwatering dinner is served to the children after their lessons.

Recently, a two-day Sadhana Camp was conducted for teens at The Divine Life Society, Malaysia. The youth were occupied with activities based on the five basic human values taught by Swami - Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa. A routine of nagar sankeertan, surya namaskar and aerobics along with slide presentations, role plays and sharing experiences were part of this Sadhana Camp which was conducted by the senior youth.

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