Middle East Youth Activities
During The Month Of March 2018
March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2018:
Seva at Three Different Sites in Dubai
The youth of Middle East display tremendous positive energy when it comes to small acts of selfless love. Their commitment keeps alive service initiatives started at three construction sites in Dubai.
The youth may be just distributing laban and bananas, but the cream is what remains behind - an impression which these youth are drawing in the hearts of their fellow friends. When these poorest of labourers start feeling that there is someone who cares for them, that is going to bring a lot of positive vibrations to the environment and gratitude in their hearts.
More than 100 workers are being served in a site at Al-Nahda in Dubai.

Once the transformation begins, the wave of selflessness keeps on moving like an ocean and never stops. The ones who get served want to replicate it to others as a token of gratitude and this is how the world is going to transform. This sort of attitude and generosity is what the world needs most. It is the need of the hour, when selfishness and fear are rampant.
Almost 200 labourers each are being served in Trade Centre and Health Care city sites in Dubai.

Any act of love is not going to be small because it is definitely going to create an ever lasting impression in all the hearts who see and get the benefit of selfless service and to those who serve, as well.