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Seva in the Middle East

February 2020

Desert Seva

“Service to Man is Service to God” and serving each of the workers in nine camps in the desert is a live example of how each volunteer experiences a glint of divine bliss serving His men. 50 desert workers were served yet again and while serving, the youth do not just visit the workers and give them the grocery items; but the volunteers talk and interact with them so that the barren sands trumpet aloud the language of love.

Divine grace has been the driving force behind this entire and the group collectively prepares with great care, the monthly grocery list that the workers will require; the products are then gathered and packed for the people.

What did the volunteers do on reaching the desert this month? They gave a total surprise by celebrating the birthday of a young worker, interacted with the people while hearing the untold stories of the sand dunes, fed the camels and of course the kids of the volunteers used this opportunity to run and play around the dunes; a sight the workers too enjoy, as this reminds them of their own grandkids who are growing by years, while the former work rearing camels in the desert.

It was when a desert worker of just 18 years of age shared that he worked there to earn money which could eventually help him get quality education back home, that one realised the importance of the gift of free education for the poor that Swami has been spreading. One can only pray that every nook and corner upholds this vision of free, value based education for the underprivileged. Another worker had come when he was just a child and was first employed for camel racing, where he would be lashed so that his shouts and loud wails would make the camels hasten on the tracks, a horrendous act that was practised more than 18 years ago. He is now a man ripened with age and experience who now feels that the Middle East has changed and has become more considerate to its workers. One feels thankful to God that one could be His instrument to serve His folk!

One does not know who benefits more, for the volunteers who are accustomed to being in the hub of city life and social interactions return with a joy that is so silent and undiscerned by naked eyes, yet so strong that one’s heart leaps with delight. Indeed a Leap Year in the making!

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