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Region 2 banner 2021 - 2 Revised - Corre
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Food Distribution

In the month of July, the Sai youth joined hands with ‘Food ATM’, a local NGO who serve food to about 120 blue collared workers in Dubai. This sevā has had a great impact on many and also served as an inspiration. One such person who was inspired by this sevā was the owner of the workers’ camp where the sevā was being done. When he witnessed this sevā of providing breakfast which costs less than a dollar, he was so inspired that he revealed it was an eye-opener for him and he should have thought of implementing such a noble idea. He offered to gift three meals a day for all the blue-collar workers, not just from his camp, but also to others which made a total of 4,000 workers. 

Another person, a Principal of a leading school was also inspired with this sevā after her visit to Food ATM. When it was revealed that Sai youth of Sai Hrudayam were actively participating in packing, distributing and delivery of food packets, her children too, decided to implement this service as a part of projects in their school.

Just as ripples spread when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects. All the youth were very thrilled to see this ripple effect of this sevā, done with the pure intention of ‘love all, serve all’, getting scattered to many. When the need aroused to identify another workers’ camp, another deserving camp was located in no time, where the workers were sustaining without any jobs or salaries and were also paying their rents. This was a reassurance from Swami telling the youth, ‘When man takes one step towards God, God will take 100 steps towards him’.

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Snacks Distribution

Around 250 individuals were served evening snacks like biscuits, fruits, laban (buttermilk) by the Sai youth in different locations of Dubai. The ripple effect of this sevā was quite evident. During one such day while snacks were served to needy individuals, one random family who were silently witnessing the sevā, came forward and readily agreed to volunteer in the forthcoming sevā activities. Another inspired family volunteered to join hands in this noble cause and distributed food, along with Sai youth to the beneficiaries.

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