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Seva in April 2019

The Association conducts ongoing workshops and lectures for many groups, depending on their awareness. Classes and workshops are conducted at the Robe of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, which the Polish group received in Muddenahalli. At each meeting there is a discourse, questions and answers, meditation, transfer of Divine Energy and Arati. Each month, there are three different meetings, which take place on Saturdays.


1. In April, the Association had a meeting for two groups, which was in the form of workshops that lasted a few days and was away from the city. The meeting was held between April 10 and April 14, 2019. During this meeting, matters related to the organisation of the Polish Seva was discussed, among other things. Their goal is to raise participants’ awareness to the highest possible level and open up spiritual hearts on love and service. People from the groups were working on the full entry into the fifth level of consciousness and on the use of quantum fields. The workshops served the spiritual development of the group. About 25 people participated in the meeting. Every day they attended six to seven hours of classes!


2. People from different environments and places took part in the workshops and meetings at the Robe of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. At these meetings, people reported the results of meetings and conversations with Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba during meditation. The information and experience gained during meditation helps and serves other people on the path to self-realisation. This is group development.


3. The 4th part of UVACHA is in translation.

The 1st part of DIVINE STORY is in translation.

The 1st part of MESSAGE is in translation.


4. Every day, some members of the group, as a sadhana and using the knowledge they have, make a transfer of divine Energy to the people who ask for help. Energy is transferred directly or at a distance, to the body of a patient. Transfers of Divine Energy are also made for the Earth, Nature, Homeland, Galaxy, Universe, for people who suffer and for various types of events and situations.

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ARATI after meeting at the Robe of Sathy
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