Seeds of Change in Kansas City
With the holiday spirit in full swing, the Kansas Sai youth decided to spread love and joy for those most in need, in the city! Some of the youth had attended the World Youth Meet in Muddenahalli and had a chance to participate in the Grama Seva there. This, and Swami's direct initiative for the US - to feed more people - inspired the youth to take on the challenge in a big way! In addition to providing food consisting of hot, take-out pizza, fruits, cookies, granola bars and bottled water, the youth thought they would also provide other real necessities like hygiene supplies such as body wash, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, shaving cream, baby wipes and blankets for the cold Kansas City winter along with lunchables, chips and small fruit cups.

All the supplies were gathered ahead of time and the youth spent the night before packing them into ready-to-hand-out zip-lock bags. The next morning, the volunteers gathered to pick up and arrange what ended up being a total of 70 hot, medium-sized pizzas and the other supplies, distributed throughout in four cars! What is really inspiring about this initiative is that not only 11 youth in total ultimately came to help with the distribution, but that the group was an eclectic, beautiful mix of youth who have been involved in taking teens off the street! They brought their own friends and family, including three teens who were, just a few short months ago, without homes themselves!

It was a full expression of love in action as the cars spread out in search of those on the streets, and the volunteers, with infectious smiles, wished people a "Merry Christmas!" and asked who wanted a little holiday pick-me-up! Our messengers of love were greeted with warm, sometimes even teary eyes as the sweet souls were overcome with joy in having their prayers answered. All in all, a total of 60 people were blessed with food and much-needed supplies, and 11 Sai youth volunteers wrapped up the day feeling a sense of gratitude and bliss for being given the chance to have love work through them. The teens, especially now, sharing their innately abundant love instead of hoping to receive some, got a real understanding of the phrase, "Love grows by giving"! As the volunteers all exchanged hugs and headed back home, it was their sincere hope that the good vibes they had spread far and wide throughout Kansas City also signified the seeds of change which would one day sprout and spread even more love, peace and joy!