Seva in the Bay Area, California
“Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others.”
- Saint Augustine
The youth of Fremont, along with children, met once again on a third Sunday; December 15, 2019, to prepare sandwiches and serve it to homeless people and shelters in Oakland, California.
The youth and children prepared 155 sandwiches to be served across three different homeless shelters and also homeless brothers and sisters on the streets of Oakland. Each meal consisted of a vegetable or peanut butter-jelly sandwich, a banana and an orange.
The energy of the group is very inspiring to see, the whole team was involved in the sandwich preparation, packing and distribution.
It was a touching experience to see the glow in the eyes of homeless brothers and sisters on the streets, when they received the meal packs on cold winter evenings. They conveyed their happiness and blessings!

Food Distributed at Tiny-home Shelters and on the Streets: