Purely His Mission aka “Project Home Meals”

There are nearly one million low-wage migrant workers in Singapore. They make up about 20 per cent of the total population and are mostly employed in construction, shipyards, sanitation services, manufacturing and domestic work. Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) a non-profit organisation is dedicated to assisting these low-wage migrant workers when they are in difficulties. Migrant workers on Work Permits contribute immensely to the society in Singapore and the economy, yet they often suffer unconscionable exploitation.

Mostly from India, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines, migrant workers are among the most vulnerable sections of the society in Singapore and are disadvantaged by numerous factors.
When a job ends prematurely (dangerous work leading to injuries or due to an accident), they are not allowed to work thus getting no wages, the list is endless. They are often destitute and unable even to feed themselves.

TWC2 operates a food programme in Little India in which a free breakfast and a simple dinner are served every weekday. On Saturdays, lunch is provided and each day approximately 200-350 workers are served.
Unfortunately, no food is provided for the workers on Sunday and they are left to their own means.

A few years back, a couple of Sai devotees were involved in delivering food packs to migrant workers living in a dormitory. The seva project came to a standstill.
Having witnessed the delight and gratitude for a home cooked meal from the migrant workers, the youth felt that this seva should not come to halt. The youths took it upon themselves to research on NGOs supporting migrant workers and by the grace of the Lord were connected with TWC2.

Swami’s message of ‘Serving Humanity’ became the guiding light and a community of like-minded youths was quickly formed. Today, with twenty to thirty chefs and five to six drivers, three hundred packs of home cooked food are delivered every Sunday to these migrant workers.
The thought of the welfare of these migrant workers did not cross the minds of many initially. Through continuous seva, more awareness is raised among Singaporeans .
The youth of Singapore know that it is Swami that has given them the opportunity to serve themselves. The joy of coming together from all walks of life, bonding with other family members during the food preparation and delivery is priceless. All these activities can only result in the transformation of the hearts of those who are serving and also the ones being served.