Getting Ready for Christmas
The youth team was very busy during in the month of December. It was a month devoted to the Christmas preparations, sharing many chores with joy.
In mid-November, some members of the team received the wonderful piece of news that Swami had invited them to travel with him throughout India for ten days. This was the greatest Christmas present that they could have received. They returned filled with gratitude, love and eagerness to share and do Seva.
In December, the youth team started to organise activities for children. Manual arts and handicrafts are a good way to encourage children to participate. This time they devoted themselves to baking Christmas cookies; preparing the mixture, shaping the cookies, baking and decorating them! They also decorated little bags in which they put the cookies.
Each participant had two bags of cookies, one of them to share with their families, and the other one to give as a present to someone outside the family circle. It was a very touching activity.
December was a month in which the youth team decided that each one of them would offer some hours of their work to someone as a gift. An electrical or plumbing repair, helping to tidy up or clean, helping to accompany an elderly person with their shopping, some hours devoted to listening to someone sharing their problems, lending a helping hand to anyone in need…
Little actions make great moments!