Feed the Need Seva Houston
With immense excitement for the upcoming divine visit, the youth of Houston came together on Sunday, June 2, 2019 for their monthly offering of Seva. The Seva consisted of preparation and distribution of meals to their fellow embodiments of love living in the downtrodden areas across the city.
The youth prepared 108 lunch bags – each consisting of mayo-pickle tofurkey (vegetarian tofu) sandwiches, crackers and a juice. The group chanted nine Aumkars followed by three Gayathri’s invoking Bhagawan to bless the Seva and headed out to downtown Houston.
As the youth arrived at their prime location for distribution, they were met by brimming smiles from the famished souls who hurriedly flocked around the vehicle. As they received the bags, they thanked the youth and then dug into what was probably their first good meal in a long time. And so, the youth completed their Seva activity with a sense of fulfillment but also gratitude for another opportunity for sharing their love and transforming themselves.