United Kingdom Service

The youth in the UK participate in a variety of service initiatives. In this issue, they place a spotlight on feeding the homeless and the needy.
They currently serve at Strand in central London. A group of youth collectively prepare packed meals and walk around the area distributing them to those in need who they meet. Their objective is to go to those who, unable to travel, might not otherwise be provided with food.
The factors contributing to this highlight just how acute the problem is. These can include not being able to afford public transport, suffering from limiting physical and mental health conditions, the fear of losing their accommodation and belongings if they leave them behind or simply not being able to communicate with others to find out where they can get help.
Over time, we have developed a route which covers various spots where the homeless stay. These range from isolated areas in side streets to open spaces in public view. The untiring gratitude and generosity which they demonstrate has been a profound lesson for all the youth. By approaching them, the youth have observed their situations first-hand. Witnessing the difficulties they are going through has been deeply moving and rightly, brought the personal dimension of this service to the forefront.
With each session, the gravity of their condition only becomes more apparent. The isolation, uncertainty and lack must be hardest to cope with. For all the activity of this world, it is incomprehensible that many still condone such merciless treatment of the deprived. The youth only wish to be of service in alleviating their burdens and in doing so, inspire them with love and confidence to improve their circumstances.