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Manava Seva is Madhava Seva

By Bhagawan’s Grace, the youth of the United States of America have expanded into different types of Seva. It all began with HIS command `Do more Seva.

There are many states within the USA that are continually participating in service activities, such as Northern and Southern California, Texas, Kansas, Alabama and many others.  Below is the summary for the past 11 months :

Narayana Seva: Service activities happen monthly in many states throughout the country, and in many of them they are conducted weekly. During this activity, the youth prepare and distribute approximately 250 meals to people and families who are impoverished and seek shelter and food. The youth then go to homeless shelters and to the streets to provide food directly to those in need. It is always such an amazing feeling to help these individuals and to be the ones to provide them with a hot meal at least once a week/month.


Street Two Stability: The purpose of this Seva is to provide opportunities to homeless teens by helping them with continuing education, finding them accommodation, and providing them with a stable job. 
The Sai youth go to different drop-in centers and tents to identify homeless teens who are looking for an opportunity to realize their dreams.  The Sai youth meet the homeless teens consistently to know more about them, monitor and encourage them.

The teens from the street are hand-held till they become stable. So far, with Bhagawan’s grace they have been able to help around ten homeless teens to become stable in their lives by providing them training, arranging for the needed accommodation and facilitating their growth in a career. 


Hygiene Kits : Often times the Sai youth find the homeless struggling to maintain their own personal hygiene. While they realize the importance of it, they often have to choose between food, clothing and hygiene products. Their negligence of hygiene is mostly due to the lack of availability of funds and other resources. When they have not groomed themselves, their confidence also goes down when they move among people. Bhagawan has always given the utmost importance to basic grooming. In many interviews He has stressed the importance of presenting oneself in an appropriate manner.

The youth have begun to hand out hygiene kits to the homeless throughout San Francisco and Kansas. They intend to continue to provide these kits, so that these individuals do not have to worry about maintaining their own personal care. They have packed and served close to 500 care kits. 


Satsangs: Throughout the United States of America, various groups of devotees meet on a monthly basis to speak about all that has occurred and to continue talks about the future and growth of these Seva projects. Often, the group participates in some devotional singing, presentations from elders and some much needed idea sharing and socializing. This month, the group plans on meeting on December 29, 2018 to prepare and organize projects for the New Year. They are always very excited to see each other and to build upon previously held monthly talks!

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