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September 13, 2019, saw a 16-strong team of students from Christ University come down to the Government Public School at Doddanekundi in Bengaluru to interact and serve breakfast to the children studying in the school.

The students who were in their first year of B.Com (F&A), as a part of their Math assignment, conducted surveys and interacted with the children.

More than 220 children from classes 1 to 7, studying in this school were served hot upma along with chutney. After which the volunteers spent three hours at the school interacting with the children of classes 3, 4 and 5. They conducted a mini survey on the impact of receiving a snack with milk daily.

During the survey, the Head Mistress of the school was happy to testify that the number of students attending the morning assembly had increased, a positive effect of Annapoorna breakfast programme! Also, there are no more cases of children fainting in the morning classes due to hunger, which was unfortunately the case before Annapoorna breakfast programme began in this school.

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